9/21-struggling student
I had a student that is struggling in my Algebra 2 class come in to talk with me after school. She said that in the past she has always received good grades in math classes but is struggling with a C/D this semester. As I began to talk with her, she said that she has never done well on tests, but her grade was always good because she had good homework and participation grades to bring her grade up. She said that she usually has an easy time with the problems that look exactly like the ones we did in class and she struggles when the problems look a little different. It seems to me that she has gotten into the habit of only computing math and does not like to think about how to solve the problem. She has been successful at being a plug and solve student that has done well by being a good student. I hate to say this because I do not like to see students dislike math, but it makes me think that I am doing something right by finally making this student struggle through problems. I hope that we can figure out how to get this student to be successful, but she needs to problem solve to get there.